MS 92 Study Material Free PDF Download

Are you an IGNOU student pursuing  MBA? and searching for MS 92 study material to enhance your understanding of the subject? Look no further! We understand the significance of high-quality study materials in excelling in your exams and assignments. That’s why we have compiled a list of reliable sources where you can download IGNOU MS 92 study material for free.

MS 92 Study Material Study Material

If you come to this page to download MS 92 Study Material issued by IGNOU. So, you have come at right place. We have uploaded all available MS 92 Study Material to our System and it is ready and available for all students pursuing MBA from IGNOU.

These study materials are helpful to solve assignment questions and for term end examination (TEE) conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU IGNOU Study Material – Download for Free

Ensure that you are sourcing your materials from reputable platforms to avoid any misleading or outdated content. It is also recommended to cross-reference the materials you find with your official IGNOU course books to ensure accuracy.

Take advantage of these resources to download IGNOU MS 92 study materail for free and enhance your knowledge in the subject. Happy studying!

Block 1Public Enterprises: An OverviewDownload
Unit 1Public Enterprise Concepts and PolicyDownload
Unit 2Public Enterprise Scenario: National and InternationalDownload
Unit 3Nature and Scope of Public EnterpriseDownload
Unit 4Forms of Public EnterprisesDownload
Block 2Public Enterprise: Accountability and GovernanceDownload
Unit 5Concept and Policy of Accountability and AutonomyDownload
Unit 6Government Public Enterprise: InterfaceDownload
Unit 7Accountability to LegislatureDownload
Unit 8Relationship with Other AgenciesDownload
Unit 9Corporate Governance and Corporate Social ResponsibilityDownload
Block 3Public Enterprise: Performance and EvaluationDownload
Unit 10Appraisal of Public Enterprise Performance IDownload
Unit 11Appraisal of Public Enterprise Performance IIDownload
Unit 12Sickness and Public Enterprise and Turnaround StrategiesDownload
Unit 13Dimensions and Methods of Evaluating Enterprise PerformanceDownload
Block 4Organisation and ManagementDownload
Unit 14Board of Directors: Constitution and FunctioningDownload
Unit 15Personnel Management Issues in Public EnterprisesDownload
Unit 16Project ManagementDownload
Unit 17Management of Finance, Marketing and Production, IssuesDownload
Block 5Privatisation and DisinvestmentDownload
Unit 18Concept, Policy and DimensionsDownload
Unit 19Privatisation: International ExperienceDownload
Unit 20Disinvestment: Experience and StrategiesDownload
Unit 21Implications of DisinvestmentDownload
Block  6Case StudiesDownload
Case 1State Bank of India, 1998Download
Case 2Corporate Planning at SAIL 1998-93Download
Case 3Gloom to Glory: The successful Turnaround of the Singareni Colleries Co. LtdDownload
Case 4HR Initiatives for Turnaround of Visakhapatnam Steel PlantDownload

Is it required to download MS 92 Study Materials?

For attend IGNOU MS- 92 TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your IGNOU Assignments with using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your MBA Annual Exams with good grade.

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