IGNOU Study Material BHIC 102 Free PDF Download

IGNOU B.A(h) History Study Materials/Books

If you are searching for B.A (h) History new syllabus Study Material issued by IGNOU, so you are at right place. Here all study materials are available you looking for. We have downloaded all available Study Material BHIC 102 of B.A (h) History to our System and it is ready and available for all B.A Students.

Study Material BHIC 102 Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of Ancient World

If you come to this page to download Study Material of BHIC -102 Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of Ancient World issued by IGNOU, you are at right place. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of BHIC -102 Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of Ancient World to our System and it is ready and available for all students pursuing B.A.(h) History from IGNOU.

These study materials are helpful to solve assignment questions and for term end examination (TEE) conducted by IGNOU.

Theme-I Evolution of Humankind 
Unit 1Pre-history and sourcesDownload
Unit 2Biological evolution of humansDownload
Unit 3Palaeolithic and mesolithic culturesDownload
Theme-II Food Production
Unit 4Domestication of plants and animalsDownload
Unit 5Early agriculture in different regionsDownload
Unit 6Consequences of agricultureDownload
Theme-III Bronze Age Civilizations
Unit 7Bronze age civilizations : main featuresDownload
Unit 8Egyptian civilizationDownload
Unit 9Shang civilization in ChinaDownload
Theme-IV Iron Age
Unit 10Use of iron and its implicationsDownload
Unit 11Nomadic groups in central and west AsiaDownload
Theme-V Formation of Empires
Unit 12Formation of empires: sassanidDownload
Unit 13Formation of empires: assyrian and babylonianDownload
Theme-VI Ancient Greece
Unit 14Greek cultural traditionsDownload
Unit 15Democratic polity in GreeceDownload

Is it required to download BHIC -102 Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of Ancient World?

For attend IGNOU BHIC – 102 TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your BHIC – 102 Assignments with using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your B.A (h) history Annual Exams with good grade.