IGNU Study Material BPAC 104 Administrative System at State and District Levels

IGNOU B.A(h) Public Administration Study Materials/Books

If you are searching for B.A (h) Public Administration new syllabus Study Material issued by IGNOU, so you are at right place. Here all study materials are available you looking for. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of B.A (h) Public Administration (Study Material BPAC 104) to our System and it is ready and available for all B.A Students.

Study Material BPAC 104 Administrative System at State and District Levels

If you come to this page to download Study Material of BPAC – 104 Administrative System at State and District Levels issued by IGNOU, you are at right place. We have downloaded all available Study Materials of BPAC – 104 Administrative System at State and District Levels to our System and it is ready and available for all students pursuing B.A.(h) Public Administration from IGNOU.

These study materials are helpful to solve assignment questions and for term end examination (TEE) conducted by IGNOU.

Block 1 : Historical Context
Unit 1State and District Administration: EvolutionDownload
Block 2: State and District Administration
Unit 2Constitutional Profile of State AdministrationDownload
Unit 3State Secretariat : Organisation and FunctionsDownload
Unit 4Patterns of Relationship between the Secretariat and DirectoratesDownload
Unit 5State Services and Public Service CommissionDownload
Unit 6State Planning BoardDownload
Unit 7State Finance CommissionDownload
Unit 8State Election CommissionDownload
Unit 9LokayuktaDownload
Unit 10Judicial AdministrationDownload
Unit 11District CollectorDownload
Unit 12Panchayati RajDownload
Unit 13Municipal AdministrationDownload
Block 3: Emerging Issues
Unit 14Centre – State – Local Administrative RelationsDownload

Is it required to download BPAC – 104 Administrative System at State and District Levels?

For attend IGNOU BPAC – 104 TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material. You can solve your BPAC – 104 Assignments with using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your B.A (h) Public Administration Annual Exams with good grade.