IGNOU B.com ECO 13 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

IGNOU B.com Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

IGNOU Solved Question Papers Download

Ignou question papers 2020 -2021 | Important Questions || IGNOU Previous Year Question Paper | IGNOU announces the term-end exam date sheet before the IGNOU exam.

Students appearing in the IGNOU Term and Examination should complete their complete syllabus and start their exam practices as well.

It is important to work on the previous year questions in IGNOU. This increases the likelihood of students getting goods marks in the paper.

IGNOU B.com ECO 13 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For B.com First year ECO 13 Business Environment for IGNOU students.

These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.

Dec 2020



Q1. Attempt any four of the following questions:

(a) Explain why India decided to follow mixed economy after independence.

(b) Describe the principle of social responsibilities of business.

(c) Describe the goals of economic development.

(d) What are the indications of industrial sickness? Explain them briefly.

(e) Outline different types of foreign capital.

(f) Describe salient features of the New Economic Policy.


Attempt any three of the following questions:

Q2. Discuss how social and cultural factors affect business environment.

Q3. What is meant by fiscal policy? Describe various instruments of fiscal policy prepared by the Indian Government.

Q4. What do you mean by consumer protection? Explain various rights and responsibilities of consumers.

Q5. Outline the objectives of the New Industrial Policy, 1991. Discuss various policy measures adopted for its implementation.

Q6. State the importance of Small Scale Industries in Indian economy and describe different programmes adopted for the promotion of Small Scale Industries.

Q7. Explain the concept of Balance of Payments. Discuss various measures adopted to solve the problem of Balance of Payments deficits.

Q8. Giving suitable examples, explain Multilateral Trading System, and state its advantages and disadvantages.

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