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IGNOU Solved Question Papers Download
Ignou question papers 2020 -2021 | Important Questions || IGNOU Previous Year Question Paper | IGNOU announces the term-end exam date sheet before the IGNOU exam.
Students appearing in the IGNOU Term and Examination should complete their complete syllabus and start their exam practices as well.
It is important to work on the previous year questions in IGNOU. This increases the likelihood of students getting goods marks in the paper
Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For B.com First year ECO 01: Business Organisation for IGNOU students.
These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.
December, 2020
Part - A
Distinguish between any two of the following:
(a) Business
and profession
(b) Equity
shares and debentures
Functional middlemen and merchant middlemen
(d) Life
insurance and other forms of insurance
Q2. Write
short notes on any two of the following:
Monopolistic position of public utilities
Pervasiveness of risks in business
Requisites of an ideal medium of advertising
(d) Retained
profits as a source of long-term finance
Note: Attempt
any three of the following questions.
Q3. “Company
form of business organization is the most ideal form of business organization
suitable for all types of business.” Discuss.
Q4. Explain
the factors be kept in mind while determining the capital structure of a
“Advertising is a social waste.” Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons
for your argument.
Q6. Discuss
various modes of creating charge by banks on the tangible assets of the
Q7. Why is
it necessary for the Government to directly participate in business? Discuss.