IGNOU M.com MCO 03 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

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IGNOU M.com MCO 03 Previous Year Papers

Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For M.com First year MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis for IGNOU students.

These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.

MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis

June 2020
Q1. What is the relationship of research to various functional areas of business ? Explain different methods of research relevant to business research.
Q2. What do you mean by Correlation and Regression ? How are they used to test the hypothesis ? (Make necessary assumptions to explain your answer).
Q3. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following :
(a) Essentials of Good Sample
(b) Objectives Writing
(c) Sources of Data
(d) Chapter Plan
Q4. (a) What is meant by research report? What are various stages of report writing?
(b) Explain criteria for good research. Justify the criteria.
Q5. Write short notes on any four of the following:
(a) Stratified Sampling
(b) Formulation of objectives
(c) Interpretation
(d) Tabulation of data
(e) Research Design
(f) Measurement and Scaling
Q6. (a) 15000 students appeared for an examination. The mean marks were 49 and the standard deviation of marks was 6. Assuming the marks to be normally distributed, what proportion of students
scored more than 55 marks?
(b) If in the same examination, Grade 'A' is to be given to students scoring more than
70 marks, what proportion of students will receive grade  A?
Q7. (a) What is interpretation ? Describe the precautions that the researcher should take while interpreting his/her findings.
(b) What are the different types of diagrams used for presentation of data/results.
Q8. Explain them briefly with suitable examples.
Draft a suitable questionnaire for studying passenger's satisfaction on services of railways.

MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis

 Dec 2019
Q1. Discuss the following methods of research :
(a) Survey method
(b)Historical method
Q2. What do you understand by the term 'Research Design' ? Discuss different components of a
research design.
Q3. A detergent manufacturer wants to know whether there are any significant differences among male and female users between Brand A, Brand B and Brand C of the detergent they use. A survey conducted for the purpose gives the following results:
Brand Of Detergent
Gender Distribution Brand A Brand B Brand C Total
Male 138 83 64 285
Female 64 67 84 215
Total 202 150 148 500
Calculate chi-square statistics and determine whether the brand of detergent is independent of the users' gender given that at 2 degrees of freedom and 0.05 level of significance the table value is 5.991.
Q4. (a) What do you understand by the following terms?
(i) Range
(ii) Mean Deviation
(iii) Standard Deviation
(iv) Quartile Deviation
(v) Coefficient of Variance
(b) The following data relates to mean sales and standard deviation of product X in three departmental stores:
Departmental Store Mean Sales Standard Deviation
Store A 40 5.24
Store B 70 8.12
Store C 59 10.89
Among the above three stores, which store is more consistent?
Q5(a) What do you understand by the following terms?
(i) Point Estimation
(ii) Interval Estimation
(b) Discuss the advantages of t-test in a survey research.
Q6. (a) What do you understand by the term 'Statistical Fallacy' ? Explain.
(b) What are the stages at which statistical fallacies may arise ?
(c) Discuss with examples how statistics can be misinterpreted.
Q7. (a) Differentiate between primary data and secondary data with examples.
(b) What do you understand by 'Simple Random Sampling' ? Discuss the process to select a random sample using 'simple random sampling'.
Q8. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Uses of Index Numbers
(b) Difference between Mean and Weighted Mean
(c) Questionnaire Method
(d) Systematic Sampling
(e) Nominal Scale
(f) Interval Scale

MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis

June 2019
Q1. What do you understand by the following terms?
(i) Measurement, and
(ii) Scaling
(b) Explain 'Continuous Rating Scales' with suitable example.
Q2. (a) Differentiate between census and sampling with suitable examples.
() Explain 'Stratified Random Sampling' with suitable example.
Q3. The following data is obtained from 30 students of B.Com.
S.N. Subjects Marks Scored Sex Caste
1 Accounts  60 Female General
2 Statistics 70 Female SC
3 Statistics 40 Male ST
4 Accounts  30 Female SC
5 Accounts  70 Female ST
6 Statistics 55 Female OBC
7 Statistics 45 Male OBC
8 Accounts  48 Female General
9 Statistics 67 Female General
10 Statistics 75 Male General
11 Accounts  35 Male General
12 Statistics 80 Male General
13 Accounts  53 Female OBC
14 Accounts  38 Male OBC
15 Accounts  58 Male SC
16 Statistics 66 Female ST
17 Accounts  80 Female ST
18 Accounts  83 Male OBC
19 Statistics 44 Male OBC
20 Statistics 42 Male ST
21 Statistics 56 Female SC
22 Accounts  55 Female General
23 Accounts  74 Male General
24 Accounts  78 Male General
25 Accounts  36 Male OBC
26 Statistics 65 Female ST
27 Accounts  54 Male OBC
28 Accounts  42 Male ST
29 Statistics 36 Female SC
30 Statistics 55 Female SC
Prepare a complex table considering all factors.
Q4. the following data relates to the Tea exports in India during 1995-96 to 2001-02
Year 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02
Export (In million kgs) 167 209 410 316 192 215 160
(a) Draw a histogram
(b) Draw a frequency polygon
(c) Calculate mean exports for the above period.
Q5. What do you understand by:
(a) null hypothesis,
(b) alternative hypothesis,
(c) Type - I error, and
(d) Type - II error
Q6.(a) What do you understand by 'Chi-square test for goodness of fit'?
(b) Explain the conditions for applying Chi-square test.
Q7. (a)Discuss different stages in preparation of a report.
(b)What precautions are to be taken while interpreting the statistical data ? Explain.
Q8. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Correlation
(b) Price Indices
(c) Level of significance
(d) Yates correction
(e) Pie diagram
(f) Skewness

MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis

Dec 2018
Q1. Explain Chi-square test as a goodness of fit. Also, explain conditions for applying Chi-square test.
(a) What do you understand by point estimation, and interval estimation.
(b) Explain different approaches to probability with examples.
Q3. (a) Discuss different methods of non-random sampling with examples of each method.
(b) Enumerate sampling and non-sampling errors.
Q4. Discuss different types of Interval scales and their applicability in business research.
Q5. (a) Explain the purpose of splicing and Deflating of index numbers with suitable examples.
(b) Discuss the importance of Visual Presentation of Data.
Q6. (a) Explain the significance of research in Business.
(b) Explain the significance of following terms:
(i) Standard error of estimate
(ii) Coefficient of determination.
Q7. Draw : (a) Histogram, and (b) Frequency polygon for the following data and do the necessary
description of the data.
Profit (Rs. in Crores) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
No. of companies 2 5 10 25 50 20 8
 Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following
(a) t-test for Independent Samples
(b) Statistical Fallacies
(c) Components of Research Report
(d) Poisson Distribution

MCO 03: Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis

June 2018
Q1. Explain any four methods of research with relevant examples.
Q2. Differentiate between Stratified Random Sampling and Multistage Sampling. What are their advantages and limitations?
(a) What do you understand by the term lo 'Normal Distribution' ? What are its characteristics ?
(b) Explain the importance of 'Bayes Theorem in decision making.
Q4. Explain the following :
(a) Hypothesis Testing.
(b) Type-I and Type-II Errors.
Q5. (a) Explain different sources of Secondary data for research. What are the precautions to
be taken while using secondary data?
(b) Explain the Conditions and Limitations of applying CM-Square test.
Q6. (a) Explain the concept and uses of index numbers.
(b) Distinguish between weighted index numbers and unweighted index numbers.
Q7. (a) Explain what cautions needs to be exercised in interpretation of data?
(b) Discuss the steps involved in preparation of a research report.
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Level of significance in testing hypothesis.
(b) Frequency distribution and Probability distribution with example.
(c) Correlation and Regression.
(d) Interval and Rating Scales with example.

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