IGNOU M.com IBO 06 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

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IGNOU M.com IBO 06 Previous Year Papers

Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For M.com First year IBO 06: International Business Finance for IGNOU students.

These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.

IBO 06: International Business Finance

June 2020
Q1. Critically examine the centralized and decentralized cash management operations of MNCs.
Q2. How do the changes in exchange rates affect various business decisions—marketing, production and financing? Explain giving suitable illustrations in support.
Q3. Why do the companies invest abroad? Discuss Indian regulation of foreign direct investment.
Q4. What is `Political Risk'? How do the companies assess and manage them? Discuss.
Q5. (a) Discuss the factors for remarkable growth in international banking.
 (b) What is syndicate lending? Why do banks prefer this type of lending?
Q6. What are the foreign exchange markets? What are their functions? What are their participants? Explain.
Q7. An Indian company is awarded a project for road building abroad? What are its financing needs? Name the agencies which can help it?
Are there special schemes to help such exporters? Discuss of your ans.
Q8. (a) Critically examine purchasing power parity theory.
(b) Why does central bank intervene in the foreign exchange markets?
Q9. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a)Pre-shipment and post-shipment finance
(b) Portfolio approach to project approach
(c) Spot and Forward Rates
(d) CAPM

IBO 06: International Business Finance

Dec 2019
Q1. What are the new dimensions added to finance function when an enterprise gets involved in international business operation? Discuss.
Q2. Discuss the salient features of the current international monetary system. What are its major strengths and weaknesses?
Q3. Why do some companies borrow through issuance of bonds rather than seeking bank loans? Are there any distinct advantages in borrowing through bonds? Explain.
Q4. What do you understand by 'Transaction Exposure' and 'Translation Exposure'? How do the companies seek protection against transaction exposure? Explain in detail any one method usually adopted by companies.
Q5. What are the principal issues involved in managing cash in a company operating in several countries through branches as well as subsidiaries? Discuss in detail with suitable illustrations.
 Q6. Explain the genesis of international financial markets. What role has they played in emergence of a global financial market?
Q7. Why do the capital structures adopted by companies in different counter differ?
Q8. Discuss with appropriate illustrations.
(a) Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payments.
(b) How does balance of payments position influence the domestic economic activities?
Q9. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Transfer Pricing
(b) Bretton Woods System
(c) Payment terms in International Trade
(d) Purchasing Power Parity Theory

IBO 06: International Business Finance

June 2019
Q1. Discuss the respective roles of IMF and World Bank bringing out the differences clearly.
Q2. What is the foreign exchange risk? How do the companies identify and manage such risks? Select any one kind and state the methods available to manage it.
 Q3.  (a) Discuss the variables which are required for international project appraisal.
 (b) List out important differences between domestic and international projects.
 Q4. Under each of the following scenarios, whether the value of Indian rupee relative to Japanese Yen will appreciate, depreciate or remain the same? Assume that exchange rates are free to vary:
(a) Inflation is higher in India than in Japan.
(b) Prices in Japan and India are rising at the same rate.
(c) Indian wages rise relative to Japanese wages which means that Indian productivity falls behind Japanese productivity.
(d) Real interest rates are higher in India –than in Japan.
(e) India imposes new 'restriction on their restrictions to buy companies and invest in real estate abroad.
Give a very brief explanation (3/4 lines only) to each of your answers.
Q5. Critically examine the role of government of India towards FDI inflows in recent years. Is this policy adequate keeping in view the urgent need to attract FDI inflows? Discuss.
Q6. A major concern of the multinational companies in investing abroad is management of political risks. How do the companies assess and manage such risks? Explain.
Q7. What is involved in tax planning by multinational companies? What special consideration have to be kept in view while planning? Discuss.
Q8. Write short notes on any two following:
(a) Transfer Pricing
(b) Letter of credit
(c) Special Drawing Rights
(d) Spot and forward exchange rates

IBO 06: International Business Finance

Dec 2018
Q1. What are the salient features of the present day International Monetary System? Explain and discuss the present exchange rate system.
Q2. Define yield curve. How is it constructed? What is its utility? How does the interest rate risk influence the yield curve?
Q3. What are the foreign exchange markets? What is their most important function? How is this function performed?
Q4. (a) An Indian company manufacturing commercial vehicles sells nearly 75% of its output abroad. It has a subsidiary in Germany manufacturing components. About 80% of German output is imported in India to be used in commercial vehicles.
Does the company face foreign exchange risks? If so, what kinds? And how? Explain.
(b) Discuss the future contracts with examples.
Q5. What are the motivations of companies investing abroad? What are the risks they face and how do they manage them?
Q6. What are the main DCF and non-DCF techniques of project appraisal? Discuss their respective merits and demerits.
Q7. Discuss the significance and need of proper cash management in MNCs. What are the objectives? A centralized or decentralized cash management which is most appropriate for MNCs.
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Nostro and Vostro Account
(b) Currency options
(c) Forfeiting
(d) Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

IBO 06: International Business Finance

June 2018
Q1. Give a detailed account of finance and treasury functions in a company fully involved in international business. Is it different from that of a company engaged in domestic business only? Explain.
 Q2. Explain the salient features and present day working of International Monetary System. What are its major weaknesses? Discuss.
 Q3. Distinguish between cyclical and structural disequilibrium in balance of payments. What are methods available to restore equilibrium? Discuss.
Q4. How do the changes in the exchange rate affect export-import business of a company? What measures do these companies adopt to deal with the changes? Explain.
 Q5. Why has it become important for the companies to engage in international cash management? What are the major issues involved? Give a detailed account.
 Q6. How do the governments assist their exporters in financing exports? Discuss the institutional framework and the schemes.
Q7. Explain the various Non-DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) and DCF techniques of Project Appraisal. Which of the technique is considered to be the best in your view? Discuss.
Q8. What-factors influence the design of worldwide corporate capital structure? Briefly describe.
Q9. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Regional Development banks
(b) International Tax Planning
(c) Foreign Exchange Regulations in India
(d) Capital asset pricing model

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