IGNOU M.com IBO 05 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

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IGNOU M.com IBO 05 Previous Year Papers

Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For M.com First year IBO 05: International Marketing Logistics for IGNOU students.

These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.

IBO 05: International Marketing Logistics

June 2020
Q1. "Difference between domestic and international logistics can be said to arise on account of three major factors." Elaborate on this statement, and enumerate the recent developments in
international logistics.
Q2. Analyse the role of major airports in India in handling international cargo, and state the constraints faced by them. How far has the recent comprehensive policy on airport infrastructure helped in improving the situation ?
Q3. Distinguish between the following:
(a) Registration and classification of ships
(b)Perpetual and periodical review systems used for replenishment of inventories
(c) Commercial Crime Bureau and Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau.
Q4. (a) Explain the concept of containerization and state its benefits and limitations.
(b) "The world economic situation and the world trade are closely related." Discuss.
Q5. Distinguish between time charter and voyage charter, and enumerate the responsibilities of
respective ship owners.
Q6. Outline the framework of strategic logistical planning and the major aspects it involves. Also
state the factors that influence it.
Q7. Describe the consultative arrangements in India for resolving shippers' problems and the
role of AISC (All India Shippers Council) in this
Q8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following:
(a) Principle for pricing of services
(b) Importance of marketing logistics
(c) Problems faced by ports
(d) New policy package for Indian shipping

IBO 05: International Marketing Logistics

Dec 2019
Q1. Explain the salient features of commercial shipping, and explain its significance for the development of international trade.
Q2. (a) "During the last three decades multimodal transportation has made rapid progress." Comment on this statement and explain as to how it has benefitted the movement of merchandise in the international arena.
(b) Distinguish between inter-modalism and multi- modalism.
Q3. Describe the pricing principles including surcharges governing conference liners.
 Q4. State the main functions of Central Warehousing Corporation, and outline the warehousing facilities it has established at port towns and other industrial cities in the hinterland.
 Q5. Distinguish between :
 (a) Domestic and International Logistics
(b) Bill of Lading and Charter Party
(c) Ship owners' lien and maritime lien
Q6. What do you understand by institutional arrangements for resolving shippers problems? Discuss the measures that have been adopted in USA to safeguard the interest of shippers.
Q7. What are the three important concepts relevant to logistics management by an Organisation? Explain them briefly and state which one you regard as the best and why.
Q8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following 
(a)Role of Indian Railways in Movement of Import and Export Trade Traffic
(b) Registration of shippers in India
(c) Steps involved in Handling an Export Order
(d) Private Sector Participation in Ports Development in India

IBO 05: International Marketing Logistics

June 2019
Q1.(a) Explain the concept of 'marketing logistics' and state the objectives to be achieved through proper logistics system.
(b) Identify the main trends in international logistics in the near future.
Q2.(a) Why is inland water transport rarely used for movement of export cargo in India ? How can the situation be improved ?
(b) What are the various factors taken into consideration while selecting the mode of inland transportation for export cargo ? Explain them briefly.
Q3. Describe the trend of growth of world seaborne trade, and analyse the ownership distribution by country groups. Also explain as to why the developing countries have not been able to increase their shipping tonnage.
Q4. (a) Enumerate the common areas where frauds and disputes normally take place in international
marine transactions and commercial shipping.
(b) State the precautions to be taken by international buyers and sellers to prevent the possibilities of
maritime frauds.
Q5. What are the various ways in which a ship can be chartered ? Explain them briefly and describe the
responsibilities of ship owners and charterers in any one of these arrangements.
(a) State the impact of allowing private operators on the functioning of Air India.
(b) Describe the advantages of containerization to the shippers and shipowners.
Q7. Describe the problems faced by the ports in India, and explain the policy initiatives taken up for ports sector by the Government.
Q8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following :
(a) The conference system in liner shipping
(b) Selective Inventory Control
(c) UN Liner code
(d) Commercial Documents in International Logistics

IBO 05: International Marketing Logistics

Dec 2018
Q1. Define 'Marketing Logistics', and explain the recent developments in international logistics that
have made it an important part of corporate strategy.
(a) Describe the major functions of Central Warehousing Corporation.
(b) "The total cost concept and cost trade-off go hand in hand." Discuss.
 Q2. Enumerate the salient features of commercial shipping and explain the nature and uses of various types of ships.
(a) Discuss the basic principles that govern the liner freight rates.
(b) Distinguish between Bill of Lading and Charter Party.
 Q3. Describe the role of International Chamber of Commerce in preventing and restricting maritime
(a) Distinguish between inter-modalism and multi-modalism, and state the advantages of multi-modal transport.
(b) Explain the concept of land bridging and discuss its advantages in the Indian context.
(a) State the various reasons why logistics has gained importance in the International Trade.
(b) Define Charter Party and state the main clauses of Time Charter Party. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following:
(a)Air Services for movement of export-import Cargo in India
(b) World shipping services
(c) Bare boat Charter
(d) Private Sector Participation in Development of ports

IBO 05: International Marketing Logistics

June 2018
Q1.(a) Distinguish between domestic and international logistics.
 (b) Explain the concept of strategic logistics planning and the major aspects thereof.
Q2. Despite having a share of over 50% of the goods load in the world's seaborne trade, the developing countries have been unable to build their shipping capacity. State the problems faced by them in this regard, and outline the measures adopted by the Government of India for rapid development of shipping in the country.
Q3.(a) "The shipping industry in India has been facing a host of problems for quite sometime." Elaborate.
(b) Describe the concept of Economic Order Quantity and state as to whether it is a cost optimization technique.
Q4. (a) Clarify the various types of surcharges that are usually levied on the basic freight rates.
(b) State the liabilities of MTO under Multi-Modal Transportation of Goods Act, 1993.
Q5. "Overworked ports suffer from low level of productivity and have become costly from users' point of view." Discuss this statement in relation to the working of Indian ports and state the problems faced by them in providing efficient service to users.
Q6. Analyse the role of major airports in India in handling international cargo, and state the constraints faced by them. Also clarify as to how far the recent policy on airport infrastructure has helped in improving the situation.
Q7. (a) Explain the three important concepts relevant to logistics management.
(b) State the various activities and services provided by International Maritime Bureau.
Q8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following :
(a) Steps involved in handling export order
(b) Limitations of conventional ships in loading of break bulk merchandise
(c) Factors leading to commitment of Maritime Frauds
(d) Main Voyage Charter Party Clauses

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