IGNOU M.com IBO 04 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

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IGNOU M.com IBO 04 Previous Year Papers

Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For M.com First year IBO 04: Export Import Procedures and Documentation for IGNOU students.

These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.

IBO 04: Export Import Procedure and Documentation

JUNE 2020
Q1. Comment on any four of the following statements:
(i) Role of marketing effort is crucial in export promotion.
(ii) According to Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP) a letter of credit is essentially a contract between the opening banker and the beneficiary i. e. the exporter. All other parties are outsiders to the contract.
(iii) All the paper work in the export-import business is unnecessary and can easily be avoided.
(iv) All exports with no exception have to be physically inspected by the government agencies.
(v) Cargo insurance is essential in international business.
(vi) Special Economic Zones (SEZ) have played an important role in promoting exports.

Note: Answer any four of the following questions.
Q2. Write a comprehensive essay on infrastructure for export promotion in the country. Also discuss the detailed working of any one of the institutions set up for the purpose.
Q3. Discuss the relevant provisions of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) regarding realization of export proceeds and other matters relating to foreign trade.
Q4. What are the procedures of sending goods abroad through the post office? What are the documents needed?
Q5. Discuss the detailed procedure regarding customs clearance of export cargo with related documents.
Q6. Why has the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) become necessary for international business? What strategic advantage an exporting unit may get through EDI? Discuss giving suitable illustrations in support of your answer.
Q7. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Clearing and Forwarding Agent
(b) Export Licensing
(c) Export-Import Bank of India
(d) Self-Certification Scheme for Quality

IBO 04: Export Import Procedure and Documentation

Dec 2019
Q1. What are the broad features of present day composition of India's foreign trade — both imports and exports? Do you envisage any changes in view of expected higher rates of growth in the near future? 10+10
Q2. Export procedures and documentation are the most complicated aspects of India's export – import business. Do you agree? State some of the efforts undertaken in recent years to simplify them. 10+10 

Q3. Give a detailed account, step-by-step, of procedures and the documents involved in getting import cargo cleared from customs. 20
Q4. It is said that the ECGC enhances the creditworthiness of not only the export transaction but also the exporter. Do you agree with the statement? Explain. 20
Q5. Is it a statutory obligation to get the goods inspected before shipment ? If so, name the relevant legislation. Also describe the situations when the goods can be exported without the permission of authorities designated by the legislation. 5+5+10
Q6. What are the different methods of payments? Discuss the operation of L/C and how L/C is different from D/P and D/A method of payment. 4+8+8
Q7. Discuss the procedure and related documents involved in excise clearance of exports under Rule 18 of Central Excise Rules. What are the authorities involved? 15+5
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following: 10+10
(a) Buyer's Credit
(b) Deemed Exports
(c) Port Procedures
(d) Liner and Tramp Shipping Services

IBO 04: Export Import Procedure and Documentation

JUNE 2019
Q1. Discuss the salient features of current Export - Import Policy. Are any changes necessary in view of the prevailing international situation and the need to accelerate on growth rate?
Q2. Discuss the broad objects and legal framework of customs clearance of export cargo. Discuss briefly the procedure and related documentation involved.
Q3. What are the different terms of payments used in export import trade? What would you consider safest from the view point of exporters?
Q4. What are the various types of cargo insurance contracts? Describe their respective characteristics and benefits to policy holders. Give suitable illustrations.
Q5. Discuss the role of Clearing and Forwarding Agents in export-import trade. Enumerate the various benefits which accrue to the trading community?
Q6. What do you understand by EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)? What are the strategic advantages an Export house may get through EDI?
Q7. Explain the procedure for: (a) Fixation of brand rate for duty drawback. (b) Obtaining Advance authorization under Duty Exemption Scheme.
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) ECGC Guarantees
(b) Incoterms
(c) Liner and Tramp Shipping Services
(d) Self Certification Scheme for Export Inspection

IBO 04: Export Import Procedure and Documentation

PART - B Answer any four of the following questions:
Q1. Comment on any four of the following Statements:
(a) All parties in a letter of credit deal in documents.
(b) ECGC through their financial guarantees enhance the credit worthiness of the exporters.
(c) Containerization has become a predominant form of unitized transport.
(d) Customs clearance help in regulating Foreign Trade in accordance with National Objectives.
(e) An important motive behind export incentives is to make Indian product price and quality competitive in foreign markets.
(f) Export - Import Bank does not competes with Commercial Bank but supplements the services provided by them to the exporters.
PART - B Answer any four of the following questions:
Q2. Discuss the salient highlights of EXIM Policy of Govt. of India.
Q3. Write a detailed note on the Institutional set up for export promotion giving its rationale and detailed working of any five of the institutions.
Q4. (a) Why there is a need to have a system of regulating exports through export licensing? Give reasons for it.
(b) Discuss any six International Contract terms.
Q5. Discuss the procedure and related documentation needed for custom clearance of import cargo.
Q6. Describe various types of Post Shipment Finances available to Indian Exporters.
Q7. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Linear and Tramp Shipping Services
(b) Actual Total Loss and Constructive Total Loss
(c) Force Majeure Clause and its Implication in an Export Sales Contract
(d) FEMA regulations for realising export proceeds

Term-End Examination June 2018 
Q1. Comment on any four of the following: 4x5 =20 
(a) Obtaining payment through a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit is the safest method of realising export proceeds.
(b) Exports are essential for economic growth of the country.
(c) Cargo insurance, also known as marine insurance occupies an important position in international business.
(d) ISO 9000 Quality System are significant in exports.
(e) Gearing and forwarding agents provide a link between the shipper and the carrier.
(f) For understanding international marketing operations, an exporter needs special guidance and assistance from specialized institutions.
Answer any four of the following questions.  
Q2. Explain various types of Commercial Documents used in Exports.
Q3. Explain in detail, the concept of 'loss' in an insurance contract. Also explain the procedure of filing claims along with documentation in case of cargo insurance.
Q4. Discuss the legal framework, stages, documentary requirements and related procedures in custom clearance of export cargo.
Q5. Define a letter of credit and discuss its practical mechanism as a method of payment in Export/Import business.
Q6. What are the methods of dispute settlement in export - import trade? Which method is best suited for Indian exporters? Discuss with examples.
Q7. Write short notes on any two:
(a) The Rationale of Canalisation of exports and imports  
(b) Role of Export - Import Bank of India  
(c) Shipping bill  
(d) Financial Guarantees of ECGC 

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