IGNOU M.com IBO 02 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

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IGNOU M.com IBO 02 Previous Year Papers

Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For M.com First year IBO 02: International Marketing Management for IGNOU students.

These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.

IBO 02: International Marketing Management

June 2020
Q1. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Importance of international market environment
(b) Bases of international market segmentation
(c) Counter-trade in international marketing
(d) Piggybacking
Q2. Differentiate between any two of the following:
(a) Ethnocentric orientation and polycentric orientation High-touch positioning and high-tech positioning in international marketing Adaptation and standardization of international advertising
(d) Product and services
Part B
Note : Attempt any four of the following questions.
Q3. You are the marketing manager of a domestic pharmaceutical company. Write a note to the company management explaining the need for the company to enter international markets.
Q4. A company wants to enter international markets. The company decided to involve another company in the foreign country. State the modes of foreign market entry. Explain those modes and critically evaluate under which situations each of them is suitable.
Q5. Explain the concept of product life cycle and discuss various life cycle stretching strategies.
Q6. What is international marketing communication ? Discuss the key issues in international marketing communication.
Q7. (a) Discuss the important social, ethical and environmental issues in international marketing.
(b) Critically evaluate the opportunities for India in international marketing of services.
Q8. Discuss the steps involved in carrying international marketing research. Explain with examples.
Q9. (a) Discuss the special considerations in packaging and labelling in international
(b) "Every good international marketing research report is expected to follow certain guidelines." Discuss those
guidelines for writing a good report.

IBO 02: International Marketing Management

Dec 2019
Q1. Write short notes on any two of the following.
a) Strategic concept of marketing.
b) Relationship between international market segmentation, targeting and positioning.
c) Transfer pricing
d) Social, ethical and environmental issues in international marketing.
Q2. Distinguish between any two of the following.
a) Foreign environment and global environment.
b) Franchising and joint venture modes of international market entry.
c) Standardisation and Adaptation in international advertising.
d) International marketing research and market research.
Part - B
Attempt any four of the following questions.
Q3. You are the marketing head of an Indian tea company, which is operating in the domestic market only. Prepare
a report for the top management of the company explaining the need for the company to enter the
international markets.
Q4. Discuss with examples the pricing methods and practices in International Marketing.
Q5. Explain the special considerations to be kept in mind in international branding and packaging.
Q6. a) Differentiate between domestic agent and domestic merchant.
b) Discuss various factors affecting the choice of international channels of distribution.
Q7. "Compared with products, international marketing of services posses distinctive challenges to marketers".
Comment why it is so, and discuss the marketing challenges.
Q8. Describe the structure of an international marketing research report and explain its elements in brief.
Q9. a) Explain the steps of personal selling process.
b) Briefly discuss the key issues in international marketing communication.

IBO 02: International Marketing Management

June 2019
Q1. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) EPRG orientation in international marketing
(b) Essentials of effective international market segmentation
(c) International product life cycle
(d) Methods of collecting primary data
Q2. Distinguish between any two of the following:
(a) Multinational marketing and global marketing
(b) High touch positioning and high tech positioning
(c) Product standardization and product adaptation
(d) International marketing vs. Domestic marketing
Note : Attempt any four of the following questions.
Q3. (a) What do you understand by international marketing environment ?
(b) Do you think that Indian companies have adequately responded to changes in domestic and external marketing
environments, and have carried out the necessary modifications in their international marketing strategies
Explain in detail.
Q4. Briefly discuss the critical factors you keep in mind while selecting the target markets in
international marketing.
Q5. Describe the process of developing new product for the international markets.
Q6. Explain the different approaches to budgeting for international advertising.
Q7. "International marketing research is full of complexities." Comment.
8(a) "At times, publicity received for a company or its product can have negative impact on
sales." Comment.
(b) Describe the alternative methods applied in transfer pricing.
Q9. Discuss how advances in information technology has impacted the international marketing.

IBO 02: International Marketing Management

Dec 2018
Q1. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Marketing mix
(b) Essentials of international market segmentation
(c) Guideline for a good international marketing research report
(d) Factors affecting pricing decisions in international marketing
Q2. Distinguish between any two of the following:
(a) International marketing and multinational marketing
(b) Direct exporting and indirect exporting
(c) Tele-marketing and E-business
(d) Adaptation and Standardisation in international advertising
Attempt any four of the following questions:
What is international market environment ?
Q3. Explain any four components of international market environment.
Q4. An Indian automobile company decided to enter international markets. The company is ready to invest in marketing arrangements abroad, but not in production facilities. Suggest any two suitable
modes of market entry, and explain their merits and limitations.
Q5. "Compared with products, marketing of services poses distinctive challenges to international marketers." Explain why is it so, and enumerate such marketing challenges.
Q6. (a) Briefly explain the international product development process.
(b) What are the risks involved in the new product development for international markets?
Q7. Discuss the key issues in international marketing communication.
Q8. You are the marketing head in a consumer durable goods company, which has international operations. It is planning to launch a new brand of washing machines. Suggest appropriate sales
promotion tools for consumer promotion as well as business promotion.
Q9. (a) Discuss alternative methods of transfer pricing. "While framing international marketing
(b)plan, one must decide whether to follow a standardized marketing approach or multi-domestic approach or a blend of these two approaches." Explain.

IBO 02: International Marketing Management

June 2018
Q1. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) EPRG orientation in international marketing
(b) Factors affecting the decision regarding the mode of international market entry
(c) Interdependence of products and services
(d) International marketing promotion tools
Q2. Distinguish between any two of the following:
(a) Product concept and production concept of marketing philosophies.
(b) Licensing and franchising modes of international market entry.
(c) Probability sampling and non-probability sampling.
(d) Product Standardisation and product adaptation in international marketing.
Attempt any four of the following questions.
Q3. What is international marketing ? Briefly explain the steps in the international marketing process.
Q4.(a) What is the relationship between international market segmentation, targeting and positioning ?
(b) Discuss various international market targeting strategies.
Q5. (a) Discuss the social, ethical and environmental issues in international marketing.
(b) State the steps in international marketing research process.
Q6. Describe the phases in international product life cycle. Discuss how is it useful in the planning of the product.
Q7. (a) Discuss various factors you keep in mind while selecting international channels of
(b) "Publicity can have either positive impact or negative impact on the company." Justify
the statement.
Q8. Discuss the various approaches to budgeting for international advertising.
Q9. Discuss various barriers to international marketing of services. Suggest how to overcome
these barriers with the implementation of GATS.
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