IGNOU M.com IBO 01 Previous Year Papers Download PDF for Free

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IGNOU M.com IBO 01 Previous Year Papers

Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For M.com First year IBO 01: International Business Environment for IGNOU students.

These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.

IBO 01: International Business Environment

Dec 2020
Q1. Comment on any four of the following:
(a) Settlement is a desirable solution for business disputes of international characters.
(b) The key factor that makes the market economy work is consumer sovereignty.
(c) Technology is the most important factor behind emergence of globalization.
(d) Monetary and fiscal policies are important tools for influencing BOP condition.
(e) The Ricardian theory of trade focuses on the comparative advantage of the nation.
(f) World Bank was set up in response to the pressing need for international capital to finance reconstruction of production facilities destroyed by war.
Answer any four of the following: 
Q2. Analyze the main features of world trade in terms of commodity and country region composition. Q3. How do the cultural factors influence managerial decisions in international business? Explain with examples.
Q4. When faced with competition from imports, what strategies do the governments adopt? In this context discuss the tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Q5. Explain the following:
(a) The Most Favored Nation (MFN) clause.
(b) Role of International Chamber of Commerce in Arbitration and Conciliation
Q6. Discuss the rationale of regional Economic Integration. Also explain the different types of integration, giving suitable examples.
Q7. (a) Distinguish between export-sales contract and domestic sales contract.
(b) Describe the provisions of the proper law of contract when choice of law clause does not exist in the contract.
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Dumping
(b) International Commodity Agreements
(c) Ecological Environment
(d) Trade in Services

IBO 01: International Business Environment

June 2020
Part A
Q1. Comment on any four of the following:
(a) Managers need to understand the critical functions that a democratic government performs in the economy.
(b) Differences in environmental factors make domestic business different from the international firms.
(c) Cross border mergers and acquisitions have accelerated the pace of globalisation.
(d) Balance of payments deficits and surpluses can influence the trade policy and the value of currencies.
(e) Electronic Commerce offers an excellent scope for domestic products to gain international visibility through the internet.
(f) World trade in the post-war decades has grown faster than the growth of world output.
Note: Answer any four of the following questions.
Q2. Critically examine the Heckscher-Ohlin- Samuelson theory of international trade.
Q3.  What are the ethical issues in International Business? Do you think that a well written code of ethics is essential for every company? Explain with examples.
 Q4. Neo-classical theory focuses on the factor abundance, which determines the pattern of trade. Discuss.
Q5. Discuss the genesis of International Monetary Fund. What are its broad objectives? Has it succeeded in attaining them? Discuss.
 Q6. Distinguish between any two of the following:
(a) Absolute and Comparative advantage
(b) Tariff and Non-tariff bathers
(c) Trade Creation and Trade Diversion
(d) Ad valorem and specific duty
Q7. Explain the major problems faced by developing countries in promoting their exports. Suggest your solutions to those problems.
 Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) International Development Association
(b) Transfer Pricing
(c) Key issues in settlement of trade disputes
(d) Intellectual Property Rights

IBO 01: International Business Environment

Dec 2019
Part A
Q1. Comment on any four of the following statements:
(a) Instability in export earnings of developing countries is by both demand and supply facture:
(b) Globalisation refers to the absence of borders and barriers to trade between countries.
(c) With success of GATT (now WTO) tariffs have become less important as a form of protection than non-tariff barriers.
(d) Politics has always played and will continue to play an important role in shaping business all over the world.
(e) The recent expansion of technology has contributed to the growth of international business.
(f) Multinational Corporations face the issue of ethical dilemmas.
Note: Attempt any four of the following questions.
Q2. Explain the concept and different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism.
Q3. What are International Commodity Agreements? What purposes do these agreements serve? What are their usual components? Illustrate your answer by discussing any one such agreement.
Q4. What is WTO? Explain its broad objectives, structure and functions.
 Q5. Distinguish between tariff and non-tariff barriers. Explain various non-tariff barriers that restrict the international trade.
Q6. Explain the following:
(a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
(b) Global Trade Point Network (GTPN)
Q7. What are Transnational Corporations (TNCs)? Why do firms become transnational? Describe main features o
Q8. Write notes on any two of the following:
(a) Current Account of Balance of Payments
(b) Terms of Trade
(c) UNCTAD's Integrated Programme on Commodities
(d) General Agreement on Trade in Services

IBO 01: International Business Environment

June 2019
Q1. Comment on any four of the following statements:
 (a) Theory of Comparative Advantage provides the basis for international trade.
(b) Trade policy is an important instrument to regulate foreign trade.
(c) Culture cannot be easily isolated from factors such as economic and political conditions and institutions.
(d) While corporate social responsibility focuses primarily on business policy issues, ethics focuses on individual managerial behaviour.
(e) International capital flows do not strengthen the process of globalization.
(f) Services do not occupy an important place in Indian economy.
Attempt any four of the following questions:
Q2. What are the key features of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India? Distinguish between Direct and Portfolio investments,' clearly pointing out their respective key characteristics.
Q3.  Distinguish between an agreement and a contract. Also describe essential elements of a valid contract.
Q4. Discuss the importance of political environment in international business. Explain arid give suitable illustrations in support of your answer.
Q5. Discuss the following multilateral environment agreements:
(a) The Montreal Protocol
(b) The Basel Convention
Q6. How does the home country environment influence foreign business operations of a firm?
Q7. What is balance of payments? How does disequilibrium occur in balance of payments?
Describe the methods of correcting the disequilibrium.
Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
 (a) Terms of Trade
(b) International Finance Corporation
(c) Global Trade Point Network (GTPN)
(d) Non-Tariff Barriers

IBO 01: International Business Environments

Dec 2018
Part A
Q1. Comment on any four of the following statements:
(a) "Trade policy is an important instrument to regulate the foreign trade".
(b) "Globalisation refers to the absence of borders and barriers to trade between countries".
(c) "Intellectual Property Rights have become an important issue in International Business
(d) "The ethical codes should not be too vague or too detailed".
(e) "Understanding of new technology is essential for new product development".
(f) "Fluctuations in exchange rates affect the profitability of not only exporting/ importing firms but also purely domestic firms".

(Attempt any four questions from this part):
Q2. Critically examine the Modern Theory of International Trade.
Q3. What is Balance of Payments ? How does disequilibrium occur in Balance of Payments? Describe the methods of correcting the disequilibrium.
q4. Distinguish between tariff and non-tariff barriers. Explain various non-tariff barriers in the International Trade.
Q5. Explain the following :
(a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
(b) Global Trade Point Network (GTPN)

Q6. Write explanation note on any two of the following:
(a) Free Trade and gains from trade.
(b) Terms of Trade.
(c) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).
(d) Regionalism versus Multilateralism.
Q7. Explain the structure and functions of WTO. Is the WTO helpful to international business or is it a hindrance ? Give your precise opinion.
 (a) Explain the role of transfer of technology in International trade.
 (b) Discuss the recent trends and current issues in technology transfer.

IBO 01: International Business Environments

June 2018
Part A
Q1. Comment on any four of the following statements, giving reasons in support of your answer.
(a) 'Basic functions, processes and techniques of international business are essentially the same as those involved in domestic business.
(b) 'Free trade is always better than no trade.
(c) 'The concept of trade' in services is not as straight forward as the concept of 'trade in goods'.

(d) 'Law of contract is not applicable to international contracts'.
(e) 'Exchange rates do not influence current account of balance of payments'.
(f) 'New technologies do not lead to economies in the use of raw materials'.
Attempt any four questions from this part.
Q2. Why do firms engage in international business? What are the major cultural factors that affect international business ? Give suitable illustrations in support of your answer.
Q3. Briefly explain the major issues in the settlement of international trade disputes. Discuss the role of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in this regard.
Q4. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. Explain the role of FDI in the economic development of the host country.
Q5. Describe the various unethical practices prevailing in International Trade.
Q6. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following:
(a) Terms of Trade
(b) International Finance Corporation
(c) Global Trade-Point Network (GTPN)
(d) Non-tariff Barriers
Q7. Describe the various forms of Regional Economic Groupings ? Discuss the impact of Regional Economic Groupings.
What are the challenges that globalization poses for the Indian economy ?
Q8. Describe the Multi-lateral Trade Agreements relating to (i) agriculture and (ii) textiles and clothings.

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