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Ignou question papers 2020 -2021 | Important Questions || IGNOU Previous Year Question Paper | IGNOU announces the term-end exam date sheet before the IGNOU exam.
Students appearing in the IGNOU Term and Examination should complete their complete syllabus and start their exam practices as well.
It is important to work on the previous year questions in IGNOU. This increases the likelihood of students getting goods marks in the paper.
Here we are providing Previous Years solved papers For M.com First year IBO 03: India's Foreign Trade for IGNOU students.
These papers are helpful for upcoming exam.
IBO 03: India's Foreign Trade
JUNE 2020
Q1. Describe the components of the Balance of Payments account of India. What have been the main causes of the adverse balance of payments position in India ? Discuss.
Q2. Explain the most significant issues in the world trade with examples.
Q3. Explain the major provisions of India's foreign trade policy. How - has it benefitted the
exporters of our country ? Discuss with suitable examples.
Q4.Distinguish between foreign direct investment and portfolio investment. Discuss the main
features of the recent foreign investment policy of India.
Q5. What are the eligibility criteria for various categories of export houses ? Discuss the benefits and facilities provided to such export houses as a part of India's foreign trade policy.
Q6. Write notes on the following :
(a) Strengths and weaknesses of India's Textile Industry with respect to export prospects.
(b) The Agreement on Multi-Fibre Arrangements (MFA) relating to Textiles and Clothing Implications for India.
Q7. Describe Indo-US trade in terms of composition of Exports and Imports. What are the major
constraints in Indo-US trade and how can they be overcome ?
Q8. Discuss the institutional arrangement that exist in India for export promotion both at the central level and state level. Explain the role of Export Promotion Councils in this regard. Give
examples in support.
IBO 03: India's Foreign Trade
Dec 2019
Q1. Describe the salient features of India's balance of payments and discuss the two policy measures that have effected significant changes in India's balance of payments position.
Q2. What are the various measures taken by the Government of India to enhance agricultural exports? What strategies would you suggest to boost exports of agricultural products.
Q3. a) Explain the role of World Trade Organisation (WTO) in World Trade.
b) State the position of India-CIS Trade.
Q4. "Unlike merchandise trade where border measures like tariffs and alternative restrictions become
important, international trade in services gets affected by some specific non-border aspects". Discuss.
b) Outline the avenues and prospects of India's chemical exports.
Q5. Describe the recent economic developments in Japan and its foreign trade. Also state the composition of its exports and imports and their markets.
Q6. Explain the rationale of export promotion policies in India and discuss the guidelines for effective export promotion strategies being adopted.
Q7. Analyses the avenues and prospects of India's electronic items for the global market. Also state weaknesses of Indian electronic commodities.
Q8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following:
a) India's competitive advantages and disadvantages
in leather exports
b) India-US Trade
c) Constraints Hampering Effective Export Promotion Effort
d) Major problems of India's Export sector
IBO 03: India's Foreign Trade
JUNE 2019
Q1. Outline the changing pattern of India's foreign trade with reference to its composition and
Q2. Explain the major provisions of India's import policy and Duty Exemption/Remission Scheme.
Q3. (a) What are the eligibility criteria for various categories of export houses ? Clarify.
(b) The new agreement on textile and clothing is considered beneficial to Indian exporters. Discuss.
Q4. Analyse the export trend and market potential of any two major services in each of the conventional and non-conventional services sectors.
Q5. (a) Describe the trade prospects between India and West Asia.
(b) Explain India's competitive advantages and weaknesses of chemical exports sector.
Q6. (a) Outline the recent policy measures adopted for improving balance of payments situation
in India.
(b) What are the major constraints in Indo-Japanese trade and how can they be
overcome ?
Q7. What are the export prospects of handicrafts and gems and jewellery? Explain the measures for
development of exports thereof.
Q8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following :
(a) New Industrial Policy
(b) Causes of Adverse Balance of Payments
(c) South Asian Association of Regional Co-operation (SAARC)
(d) Government's measures to enhance agricultural exports
IBO 03: India's Foreign Trade
Dec 2018
Q1. Explain the export promotion measures initiated by the Government of India. Indicate the constraints hampering such efforts.
Q2. State the major aspects of foreign investment policy in India. Analyse the inflow of FDI with
reference to countries and industries.
Q3.(a) State the factors responsible for export growth of readymade garments.
(b) Describe the measures adopted by the Government of India to enhance agricultural exports from India.
Q4. (a) Describe the avenues and prospects of India's exports of chemicals.
(b) State the difficulties faced in international trade in services.
Q5. Discuss the major trends in Indo-European Union Trade in recent years. State the prospects for Indo-Japanese trade.
Q6. Explain the Indo-ASEAN trade and economic relations, and assess the trade prospects between
India and ASEAN countries.
Q7. Describe the export scenario of India's electronic items, and suggest suitable strategies to enhance
their exports.
Q8. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following :
(a) Salient features of India's Balance of payments
(b) Policies and strategies to boost leather exports
(c) Benefits and facilities provided to EPZs and EOUs
(d) Indo-US Trade Prospects
IBO 03: India's Foreign Trade
June 2018
Q1. Describe the current world trade scenario. Discuss the strategy for integrating India's trade
with the world trade.
Q2. Explain the rationale behind export promotion in India. Describe the guidelines drawn up for a more realistic export promotion programme.
Q3. Describe the export prospects for Indian handicrafts and gems and jewellery ? State the
various measures adopted for the purpose.
Q4. Describe the various products and markets for India's engineering goods exports. State the major
problems faced in their exports.
Q5. Describe the trends and composition of India's exports and imports with the USA. State the major
constraints in expansion of the Indo-US trade.
Q6. Explain the major provisions of India's export- import policy.
Q7. (a) Describe the recent policy measures adopted for improving the balance of payments situation in India.
(b) State the strategic responses that Indian exporters of textile and clothing would consider in the context of emerging competition.
Q8. Write explanation notes on any two of the following :
(a) Major problems in India's Exports
(b) Benefits and Facilities provided to Export Houses
(c) Major Constraints in Indo-Japanese Trade
(d) Trade Prospects between India and West Asia